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Unique Unicorn Kid’s Yoga runs yoga classes that are tailored specifically for children.

Each session includes stories, games, breathing techniques, exercises, stretches and meditation, which are all conducted in a structured format.

Of course, there's lot of fun and enjoyment along the way.  


Unique Unicorn Kid's Yoga classes are themed to keep the kids engaged so they enjoy and learn about different topics. Class times vary from 30 minutes to 60 minutes depending on the age of the group.  Take a minute to read below to gain an understanding of my style, and book a class today.


Themed Yoga Poses and Stories

Each yoga sequence includes plenty of physical movement and postures to improve children's flexibility, body awareness and motor coordination. We use stories, props and music to increase children's learning motivation so they are engaging in the present moment and remain focused. 

Something Fun

People speak about the importance of health, exercise or education. But how about the importance of fun? Just allow kids to be kids! 

We bring games into our kids’ yoga session.

Games are a great way keep the class fun and interesting for kids.

Some of our games are active and this that helps kids pay more attention.

Other games are more relaxing and this helps kids to calm down.

Whatever the style of the game, they all help kids development in both physical and mental skills; improving coordination, balance, teamwork, patience and listening skills.

Breathing Exercises

We decorate the breath with interesting movements, sounds, imagination and fun games. There are various breathing techniques and exercises that help kids reduce stress, anger and relieve the tension in the face and body.

Quiet Time

Quiet time is an essential part of every yoga class. We use and develop different ways to introduce meditation for kids to enhance focus and concentration, help them feel calm, encourage self-care and inspire creativity. Over time and with practice, don’t be surprised to find that the children will be able to do these activities on their own, without guidance.


Savasana pose is the last and most essential pose in any yoga class. It provides relaxation and an opportunity to rest and help the body and mind integrate the benefits of the practice.

The pose has students lying on their backs with their arms by their sides, palms facing up, legs relaxed, with their eyes shut with a focus being on deep breathing. 

During savasana time the practice of meditation, dreaming and reflection is taught.


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